Voluntary Product Certification (VPC) and CE marking

CE marking plus a Voluntary Product Certification (VPC) mark is the profitable access road to construction markets.
CE marking alone means that some product characteristics mandated by the European Commission are declared by the manufacturer. The VPC mark, as the expression of a certificate assures a quality level on top of this conformity and the connection to local building rules.
These VPC-marks are above all granted by independent and accredited third parties as the prove that a product fulfills the quality requirements of all parties concerned...
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Welcome to the website of eurocer-building

This website provides access to and transparent information on product certification in Europe...
The EB-network provides a `one-stop-shop` service to obtain such a certificate...
Up-to-date product and performance requirements as part of the Certification Scheme is the only guarantee for a cost efficient fulfillment of end-users needs...

Added value for EB-members and registered interested parties

Eurocer-Building provides a platform for:
information exchange and
harmonization of certification schemes,
empowerment of (local) certification marks,
development of common viewpoints (on the CPD/CPR, Accreditation and Notification issues etc.).
Eurocer-Building also provides to EB-members a professional lobby to authorities and as a part of the only network of certification specialists in the construction sector you will be able to act as a one-stop-shop...
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